Following author, Gretchen Rubin, over the years. I remember her mentioning she has multiple book clubs and one of them is focused on juvenile fiction. Until I heard that, I had never realized that’s my genre of preference. Adult fiction topics feel too serious to me and almost always have an affair or murder as an attempt to intrigue the reader
Also, let’s face it, I get scared easily.
I appreciate juvenile fiction is scaled down when it comes to gruesome topics. Overall in my life, I prefer it to be PG. We don’t use foul language in the house and keep things pretty tame. If I need a little more drama, the news has plenty of it.
Some of my favorite series of juvenile fiction are Harry Potter, Spy School, Lemony Snicket, Little House on the Prairie. And ten years later, I’m getting around to reading The Hunger Games. I’ve read the first book and I even stayed up late to read it so I guess that’s one indication of what I thought of it.
Side Notes from the previous post
After the surgery on Wednesday, Grandpa is doing well and is ready to go home today. I was super surprised he was already going home but I guess that’s what happens when you’re ninety!.
On Wednesday, Cardio Club was cancelled and the #1 and #2 were super disappointed. They really wanted to win the golden shoe. Now they’re trying to figure out when the golden shoe is awarded. One of them thinks it’s in the fall and the other thinks it’s not awarded until the springtime.
What I Am Excited About Now
Since we were out of town the past two weekends, I’m looking forward to having a Saturday to watch #2 and #3 play soccer and a Sunday to watch #1 and #2 play flag football. Also, I’m excited to read more of The Hunger Game series.